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Firewheel Chapbook Award Finalist

Peter Slapnicher

I wonder what it could be. Congratulations to Marjorie Tesser! Marjorie's collection, The important thing is., is the winner of the Firewheel Chapbook Award winner.

I am proud and excited that my collection, This Stranger She'd Invited In, placed as a finalist alongside:

  • Problems of Depiction, by Molly Gaudry
  • The Low You, by John Colasacco
  • Why I Reach for the Stars: Poems on Eva Braun, by Helga Kidder
  • Installation, by Paula Koneazny
  • A Reason of Water, by Barbara Maloutas
  • Moon for the Misbegotten? Prose Poems and Adornments, by E. M. Schorb
  • (Hello again, Molly!)  Congratulations to all!