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Waitlist for Conference and Rejection for Residency

Jac Jemc

I found out I was waitlisted for admittance to the nonfiction segment of the Tin House workshop this summer and declined for a residency at the Edward Albee House. 

Real talk: I was bummed about the Tin House news and felt not much about Edward Albee, and I'm wondering if this is because I thought the Tin House thing was more within my reach and the Albee House was a longshot? Anyway, it's good to be humbled, and, when I think about it, it's not particularly surprising that I wasn't accepted to Tin House. I applied for nonfiction because I know my nonfiction needs work, and perhaps it's not to the Tin-House-level of "needs-work" quite yet. It's good to know there's still a lot more to hope for! And this was the first workshop/conference type thing I've applied to. It's a totally new thing for me. So that's good that I didn't hear a yes right out of the gate. It will help quell my sense of entitlement.

I am headed out to VCCA in just 36 hours, so I will count my blessings. 

Rejection 326

Jac Jemc

Get it through your head.

Get it through your head.

Guernica sent a really nice rejection encouraging me to submit again. They're so dreamy to me. Makes me want to work harder! If I get something accepted there someday, I will award myself with one of their totes I've been coveting for so long!

Poetry Collection Rejection

Jac Jemc

Side. Eye. Brow.

Side. Eye. Brow.

My poetry collection was rejected from Sidebrow, but the two books they chose were “Field Glass” by Joanna Howard and Joanna Ruocco and “Inherit ” by Ginger Ko, so who can argue with that. They have a very well-written rejection letter, too, in my opinion. That goes a long way!

Residency Rejection and Acceptance

Jac Jemc


I was not selected for a residency at Wildacres, but I was accepted as one of four international writers to attend the Danish Centre for Writers and Translators at HALD Hovedgaard in Denmark for the month of June and I. am. over. the. moon. Especially after I found out one of the other residents will be Amanda Michalopoulou. I love her work so much. Such an honor. I've heard from a friend that this is a really magical place to get work done and I can't imagine it being anything but. So thrilled.

James Merrill House Rejection

Jac Jemc

James Merrill looked a little like Joel Grey, right?

James Merrill looked a little like Joel Grey, right?

I applied for a residency at the James Merrill House, but wasn't accepted. I just got some good news though and I'll be able to share it soon!

SLS Disquiet Partial Scholarship

Jac Jemc

I am the black heart of this cloud.

I am the black heart of this cloud.

I submitted a novel in progress to the SLS Disquiet Contest and made the longlist, awarded a partial scholarship, but sadly this is not enough to allow me to go to Lisbon for the conference. Tanya McQueen won for nonfiction though and I'm so, so excited for her! I love her work. Silver linings...

Rejection 324 and 325

Jac Jemc

Perhaps third time will be the charm.

Perhaps third time will be the charm.

Fairy Tale Review did not want the story I sent them. 

Missouri Review encouraged me to send more work (second encouragement in a row). 

Residency Finalist and Rejection

Jac Jemc

Isn't he just the coolest?

Isn't he just the coolest?

The Baltic Writing Residency Sweden informed me I was a finalist for their residency in Stockholm, so that's pretty nice!

Sarabande also informed me I was not chosen for their residency in the Bernheim Forest, but I had a feeling that one was an especially slim chance. Last year's winner was D.A. Powell, who is just about the greatest. I had the pleasure of hearing him read in undergrad and I still think, often, about how terrific he was. 

Rejection 323 and Fellowship Rejection

Jac Jemc

My favorite lions are the ones outside of the Art Institute of Chicago, but the NYPL lions are a close second.

My favorite lions are the ones outside of the Art Institute of Chicago, but the NYPL lions are a close second.

An essay I submitted for a special feature at BOAAT was rejected.  I believe I misunderstood the instructions for the call for work. 

My application to the Cullman Center at the New York Public Library was rejected, but that doesn't seem like anything to take personally.