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Rejection 265

Peter Slapnicher

Well, that first attempt I took at an essay was rejected by the kind souls at Hobart.

Aaron confirmed something I wondered about and said the essay felt more like notes toward an essay.

I don't know how to write an essay yet, but I'm working on it.

Rejection 264

Peter Slapnicher

Today I saw an email from Phoebe in my inbox, and I thought, maybe they accepted my story because it's my birthday!  But they didn't, and really I think that's just as well.  It confirms a sort of status quo for this day to not expect too much, and to keep on working like every other day.

A terrific birthday surprise, though, was a second round of cover options for my novel.  This is my favorite game ever.

I am 28.  I can deal with that.

Rejection 262 and 263, and a poetry collection rejection

Peter Slapnicher

I have a strange series of fragments that Fence and New Ohio Review both rejected with form letters.

Also, I had high hopes for the H_ngm_n open reading period for poetry manuscripts, but I am not one of the lucky few to have a book published by them. I'm eager for the winners though:

Evan Glasson.  VITAL PURSUITS. Ben Kopel.  VICTORY. Laurie Saurborn Young.  CARNAVORIA.

It's nice to write things and have people think about whether they'd like to give them a place in the world. I admire Nate Pritts so much, and I can't wait to see what he's chosen.

Rejection 261

Peter Slapnicher

Mike at Noo is just a delight.  I'd sent him a story with baby/child who was trapped in himself, and he informed me that they were on a baby sabbatical.  Understood.  He is an encouraging fellow.  What a treasure.

Story Up at SmokeLong!

Peter Slapnicher

If you've been following this blog you know I've long been in love with SmokeLong, but never had a story up there.  Well, thanks to the kind invitation of guest editor Doug Paul Case, that is no longer the case.  My new story "Marbles Loosed" is live alongside a photo by my talented photographer friend Becca Fischer.  Hurray and thank you and yes.

Rejections 259 and 260, alongside some nice press and a sold-out chapbook

Peter Slapnicher

Hey friends and lovers,

Welter and Lit both rejected the same story.  I think it needs a helping hand, AKA some editing.

I got written up on HTMLGiant twice today.  One reviewing my chapbook alongside a beer I found tolerable via Sean Lovelace and one interview with me by the fabulous Roxane Gay.  I like those guys.  They are kind.

And on that note, that generous press, via HTMLGiant, pushed the chapbook to being officially sold out at the Greying Ghost website.  I still have a small handful, so you can let me know if you were out of the country for the past couple weeks and missed your chance to order it from GG, and get all that awesome paper ephemera.

Many thanks to all who ordered and wrote it up and, most of all, to Greying Ghost, for making a great object.  You are the best.

Things Exist in the World!

Peter Slapnicher

Listen up: Some of my publications snuck past me, and I don't want to be accused of not promoting these terrific projects.  So here we go: The Fiction At Work peeps made an anthology over at Green Lantern Press, and it's sharp looking: The Fiction At Work Biannual Report. There are a ton of awesome people in here, but among them: Spencer Dew, Devin Bustin, Mary Hamilton, Lindsay Hunter, Ira S. Murfin and the wonder that is Hannis Pannis. It's an affordable $10, and will fit securely in the backpocket of even your skinniest jeans.

Also: issue 5 of  Letterbox! I was super-excited to be introduced to the work of some writers I was previously unfamiliar with Kristin Abraham, Nathan Austin, Avery Burns, Vernon Frazer, José Luis Gutiérrez, David Highsmith, Christine Kanownik, Debrah Morkun, Kristin Palm, Elizabeth Robinson, Spencer Selby and Valerie Witte. That same affordable ten spot will get you this square handful of words and pretty.

Finally, it's been months since A La Carte came out, but no one told me.  Whoops!  You can get it at the Main Street Rag website.  I haven't seen a copy yet, but the contributor list is enough to believe in it: David Erlewine, Molly Gaudry, Jason Jordan and Ben Tanzer, among others. It's $14.95 + shipping.  I look forward to reading it, even if I'm a bit grumpy about it.

First Issue of Midwestern Gothic!

Peter Slapnicher

First issue of Midwestern Gothic was released this weekend and gosh darn if it isn't a nice looking lady. There's a large number of fine writers in the journal: Peter Anderson, Nick Arvin, Paul Scot August, Devin Becker, Mary Biddinger, Anna Clark, Dan Davis, Jesse Eagle, Hugh Fox, Roxane Gay, Molly Gaudry, Thomas Horan, Lindsay Hunter, Geoff Hyatt, Lania Knight, Dan Lewis, Charles McLeod, Michelle Menting, Weam Namou, Micah Riecker, David Scott Pointer, Katherine Riegel, Joe Sacksteder, Anne Valente, Marc Watkins and myself.  This is a fine project these boys are starting.  Please check it out.

Rejections 257 & 258 and a Chapbook!

Peter Slapnicher

The Georgia Review and The St. Petersburg Review don't want my stories. One of them took over a year-and-a-half to decide they didn't want my story, but I won't tell because they apologized. But who cares?  I have a chapbook called These Strangers She'd Invited In available for purchase from Greying Ghost Press for a mere $6.50.  It's full of the complete collection of the weird Russian stories I wrote a while back.  There are 85 copies of the chap, so if by some miracle they sell out at the website, let me know and I will ship one to you myself because I'll have a healthy handful to distribute at my leisure.

It looks like this:

If we were all as pretty as this book, well, we'd be better looking.

Rejection 256

Peter Slapnicher

I don't know if this counts or not, but what does 'count' mean, anyway?

SPECS took some of my poems, but they wouldn't tell me which ones.  Those same poems were submitted to Dear Navigator, and I wanted to withdraw the ones that had been accepted to SPECS, but I didn't know which ones.  Then Dear Navigator rejected those poems, because DN is not taking work from SAIC grads for a while, which makes lots of sense.

Anyway - some poems that I thought were some of my best, and that I'd been sending around for over 2 years have finally found a home.  So: celebrations.