Ensemble Jourine wrote asking for a submission, and I sent them some poem parts, and they asked for a poem that was more like 10-30 pages, which seemed eye-widening to me. The thing is, I do not ever have poems that long, and I don't think I could just make one on cue, and I am working on a new novel thinger, so there's no hope. BUT, Anobium wrote a few days later accepting all those poem parts, so they have a home, and I couldn't be happier.
Rejection 276 came from the kindly Mike Czyzniejewski at Mid-American who didn't think the story I sent was right for them, but was super nice and friendly in his letter. Thanks, Mike!
I forgot to announce formally on here that I had a story in the new issue of Ping Pong, the journal out of the Henry Miller Library in Big Sur, but their site appears to be down right now, so I won't provide a link.
I had a story up in Necessary Fiction thanks to Jess Stoner!
Finally, my book appears to be available for preorder on Amazon which is a strange feeling, being that I couldn't be more pro-small bookstore, and I urge you to wait and order it from Dzanc or get it at your local bookshop or come to Chicago in April to celebrate and get a copy at the party! That is all.