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Rejection 229, New Issue of Bailliwik, Poetry Book Rejection

Peter Slapnicher

I'm right excited about Knee Jerk's print issue, and it was super-amazing-nice of those dudes to ask if I had anything I'd like them to consider.

Now I'm gonna be honest about what I did.

Casey said that they were trying to pack the issue with really exciting stuff like scratch 'n sniff and diagrams and illustrations, and I thought, 'Aw yeah - I've got those collages of National Geographic photos I've been wanting to do something with and also those weird erasure poems.  I'ma make that into something my Knee Jerk.'

And I did.

And then I remembered that Knee Jerk doesn't take poetry.  So I sent those things to Bailliwik, and they accepted them.  That issue is out now and it's the prettiest thing.  If you buy a copy it has 8 special limited edition artist projects, but you can also browse it online.

Then the deadline for Knee Jerk snuck up on me and I had nothing, and Casey was even nice enough to check in to see if I had anything, and I admitted that I wasn't able to make something just for that print issue, but that I'd send a story, which I realize is a real asshole thing to do because that just means they have to read one more thing they don't really want.

All this and Casey emailed me to apologize that they wouldn't be taking the story and for not keeping me up to date on what would fit in with what they'd chosen so far and what wouldn't.  What nice guy!  I am excited to see what they've pulled together.  Yah.

Another nice occurrence: I received a funny-toned email from Black Ocean regretting to inform me that my poetry manuscript had not been chosen for publication from their open reading period.  It felt more like a general announcement than a rejection letter.

Turns out, it seems some communication lines were possibly crossed on their end, and Carrie Adams sent out a more personally-voiced mass-rejection later that day, thanking people for submitting and apologizing for the first letter.

People nice.  Generally and specifically.

Rejection 228

Peter Slapnicher

Unfortunately, Claire Lacey at Dandelion found the poems I sent her to be more on the weedy side than the blossom. Drat.

In other news, I've begun to scatter my seed more regularly.  While I've been slow of late, I'm working out a regular writing and submission practice again.  Thank gawd.

Wait-listed for Ragdale

Peter Slapnicher

I suppose this is an improvement.  While I was lucky enough to go on a residency residency at Ragdale in the fall of 2008, I was not accepted last year.  This year, I'm waitlisted.  Which actually might be for the better, as I was wondering how I would finagle it anyway, what with work and family stuff running my cup-eth over-eth. The issue with a wait-list in situations like this, is that they'll call the week before the residency and ask if you'd like to come for two weeks.  The only people I know who can drop everything and leave their life behind for 2 weeks with 1 week notice, don't need a residency to begin with.

Rejection 227

Peter Slapnicher

I got a nice note from Claire at RealPoetik that they're changing formats, so I should check out the new guidelines and send something again, soon.

Things look kind of exciting over there: RealPoetik. This is an enjoyable rejection to receive.  The ante has been upped.

Rejection 225

Peter Slapnicher

In the same hour I got an acceptance for a whole bunch of sections of one of my weird long poems from Strange Machine and a rejection for that same poem from Booth.

The good news is I don't need to go through the trouble of withdrawing those sections from Booth.

I am content.

Rejection 224

Peter Slapnicher

Lit dun't want me again.

The good news is that my SASE got rerouted to my new apartment.  Hopefully this means that the other paper submissions I made will be appropriately rejected as well.  Pheee-ew.