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Rejection 215

Peter Slapnicher

Bananafish asked me to submit work and said the story I sent them was too short to hold down the home page for a week.  If you have a minimum length, you should say so.  Also, if the story just doesn't float your boat, you should say so, please and thank you.  I will send you something longer, Bananafish, but they don't get too much longer.

Rejection 213

Peter Slapnicher

So this is possibly one of the longest rejections coming:  I just heard back from Crate Magazine that they do not want the chapter of my novel I had sectioned off as a story and submitted as a story back in March of 2008.  Pretty great.  Thanks for the heads.

Also, either they were being kind and calling my story artwork, or they thought I had sent them visual art instead of a story. That's 15 days shy of 2 years, Crate. Bravo.  Hope you're well.

Retreat Rejection

Peter Slapnicher

You can find this statue at Danish theme park BonBon-Land, which I feel certain I could have found an afternoon to visit had I won one of the five residencies offered to Americans.

The Danish Art Council's DaNY Retreat has rejected my application to go to Northern Denmark for a week in May.  I had myself convinced that no one knew about this retreat and so I was going to win it, similar to the way I just won that trip to Thailand for that book display.  Alas, that was apparently a one time bout of luck.  Very well.  Only one free international trip for the year. That's more than fair, I'm sure.

Rejection 212

Peter Slapnicher

Sierra at Mare Nostrum is a sweetheart.  She said they enjoyed reading my fable, but that it wasn't quite the right fit for the next issue.  In reality, it was a story I tweaked to fit the theme of the journal which is Mediterranean. I thought it was worth a shot. Is that against the rules?  Do other people do this?

Rejection 211

Peter Slapnicher

Here's a good one from Melissa at  La Petite Zine: she's enamored of some of my stanzas, but not sure the poems are right for LPZ as a whole.  She wants to see more.

Why are rejections like this almost more exciting than acceptances?

Must be something about anticipation, right? Something akin to courtship.  Something like how wondering if you're going to be kissed is almost better than actually being kissed.  Something like not being able to sleep the night before a big day.

Rejection 210

Peter Slapnicher

CL Bledsoe of Ghoti: such a gentleman.  He said my story did not grab him and apologized for the long wait. No problemo.

This is the story I'm really convinced is one of my best that no one wants though. Confusion prolonged.

mlp {first year} in my hands.

Peter Slapnicher

Gawd if it ain't lovely. Just order it.  Even if you only missed the first 3 little books or something:  mlp. So worth it. 

I wanna curl up and live inside this little volume and sleep in a different room every night like it's the Winchester mystery house.  The ghosts will get trapped in stairways to nowhere.

Issue 10 of Alice Blue

Peter Slapnicher

Alice Blue is one of those magazines I gazed at longingly from the start, and now there's a new issue out with an amazing crowd: New prose from Ofelia Hunt, Andrew Borgstrom, Matt Bell, Matthew Simmons, Kathy Fish, Sasha Fletcher, P.H. Madore, Jon Swan, Joseph Young and Kimberly Ruth.

New poetry from Michael Sikkema, Jack Boetcher, Mara Vahrathian, Nicole Pollentier, J.R. Walsh, Theodore Worozbyt, Maged Zaher, J.P. Burnside, Jordan Stempleman, Olivia Cronk, Matt Morris, Gareth Lee, Julia Cohen, A.K. Scipioni, Thomas Cook - Tyler Dorholt, Marcia Arrieta, John Chavez, Chris Theim et moi.

What a nice little party!