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Peter Slapnicher

My story, "The Disasters," is live on the MONKEYBICYCLE homepage. There is so much to love in their archive: I recommend checking out  David Erlewine's A Confounding Plague and Lydia Conklin's cartoon The Lip Thing just as a jumping off point.

October! Boots! Cider! Burning Leaf Smell!

Down with Halloween Socks I feel somehow obligated to wear and not throw away because they are still useful as socks! I am wearing them now!  I resent them!

Rejection 194

Peter Slapnicher

A different kind of gold star. Steven D. Schroeder was very polite in rejecting me from Anti-. He wished me luck, both with placing the poems elsewhere and with the rejection blog.

Gold-star for conduct!

Rejection 193

Peter Slapnicher

So creepy, right? I dont want text to hug me ever again.  I wanna text to poke me violently until I back off. Some encouragement arrived from Nate Pritts at H_ngm_n. He said to be sure to try them again sometime, and then revised that statement to transform 'sometime' into 'whenever you can,' that my poems were 'close.'

This is one of those times when an encouragement feels possibly better than an acceptance.  It just does. I'm a fan of a variety of emotions.


Peter Slapnicher

Toot Toodle Looooo! The magnificent J.A. Tyler has collected the first year of ML Press chapbooks into a single volume?  Were you a late joiner?  Have you still not jumped on board?  Were you hesitant because you didn't know what to do with all those tiny stapled books?  Well, there's soon to be a conventional format version of these amazing little stories to wrap your hands and mind around: MLP [ FIRST YEAR ]

$15.  Available for pre-order.  It'll be out 01.01.10 - binary date of  sweetness.

Work from the following luminaries:

 ken baumann, shane jones, jimmy chen, brandi wells, blake butler, nick antosca, sam pink, james chapman, colin bassett, michael kimball, jac jemc, kim chinquee, kim parko, norman lock, randall brown, brian evenson, michael stewart, peter markus, ken sparling, aaron burch, david ohle, matthew savoca, p. h. madore, johannes göransson, charles lennox, ryan call, elizabeth ellen, molly gaudry, kevin wilson, mary hamilton, craig davis, kendra grant malone, lavie tidhar, lily hoang, mark baumer, ben tanzer, krammer abrahams, joshua cohen, eugene lim, c. l. bledsoe, joanna ruocco, josh maday, & michael martone.

I'm really not sure why you're still looking at this page and not at your paypal account screen. Go on.  It's time to tell them to charge your card instead of deducting it straight from your bank account again. Sneaky little devils.

Rejection 192

Peter Slapnicher

A prostitute trying to divert sales from a lemonade stand. (It would really take a minute to explain the train of thought that led to this image and that caption, but trust me: it works.) Blargh.

Smartish Pace is not interested in publishing my poems, and though they'd like me to submit again, they don't want that to happen twice in one year, unless I pay a contest fee.  Understandable though not very subtle.

Rejection 191

Peter Slapnicher

Uh, I can still see you. Holy Crap.  Awesome rejection tonight.

A friend of mine had some work in EOAGH, and I was totally into their aesthetic, but ALAS:

I sent them some work and Mr. Tim Peterson has informed me that he will not respond to someone who blogs their rejections.

What do you have to hide, Mr. Peterson?

The jig is UP!

You have been outed.

Rejection 190

Peter Slapnicher

Ya know, I still think of that Gap commercial fondly. So remember how Evan Lavender-Smith at Puerto del Sol was so nice about asking me for work and then forgot to tell me that they didn't want that story but that I should send another one?  Well, he doesn't want that story either.

That feels kind of weird: that someone asked me for work and then the work I sent them wasn't what they wanted.  This is adding to the woodginess of the day.

Tonight I'm going to a book group for the first time in my life.  You might think this would have happened already in my life, being that I like books and have worked in bookstores for a while now, but nope.  Tonight I am adding into a pre-exisiting group and we have read Let the Right One In. What's that?  You saw the movie?  Read the book - it's better.  Yup, even if you liked the movie, it's better.  There's a whole pedophilia storyline that's absent from the movie.

Awesome.  Now it sounds like I'm saying I liked the pedophilia part.


Today, someone told me that based on the mixed cd he was given by me as a part of cd dispersal project, he'd say I was mellow if he didn't know me.

I told him I'm either high-strung or sad.  Those are my modes right now.  Maybe always?

I wish 'mellow' was more accurate.

Enough of this bullshit.  Must go get those ribs for Grandma Alligator.

Rejection 189

Peter Slapnicher

I wonder if you could eat snake ribs?  It seems they would have meaty intercostals. Copper Nickel doesn't want the story I sent them.  I think that's three rejections from them if anyone's counting.

I'm having some sort of internal upheaval.  I will now buy my grandma some ribs for her birthday.

Rejection 188

Peter Slapnicher

Too bad you dont also get cookies and juice. I  made a small boatload of submissions while at the Vermont Studio Center and I've already received my first mailed submission back.

This is front page rejection news: The Normal School no longer even sends you a letter.  The send you a sticker, "I gave blood today" style, that says, "I was rejected by The Normal School."

Trying to decide if this is more or less funny than those Jenny Holzer temporary tattoos.