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Kind Rejection from Tarpaulin Sky Press

Peter Slapnicher

Know the feeling? I received a letter yesterday letting me know my novel wasn't chosen for publication from Tarpaulin Sky's open reading period.  At the bottom of the page though, there was a really nice little handwritten note from C & E saying they sincerely hoped another publisher would pick it up and soon.  I am boundlessly happy about this.  If everyone who submitted got a little note like this, don't tell me.  I would rather live in blissful ignorance.

You Give Me Growing Pains, Theodore Huxtable

Peter Slapnicher

What's sure to be a miraculous reading will be taking place tonight at the Black Rock.  The Marvelous M. Lady has set up a Rec Room based around 80's sitcom characters. The list of readers is formidable.  These people will steal your Zubaz right from under you in the alley after school.  They will leave you pantsless with no regrets:  Lindsay Hunter, Zach Dodson, Nicolette Bond, Meg Barboza, Tobias Bengelsdorf, Allison Gruber, Erin Teegarden, and myself.  Watch out.  Not even your slap bracelets are safe.

I will be reading a story about playing strip poker with my childhood idols - the two blond bimbos that Larry and Balki liked on Perfect Strangers.

Here's the details.  See ya there.

Rec Room March 4, 2009 8pm Black Rock Bar 3614 N Damen

New Issue of Wheelhouse

Peter Slapnicher

There's a crap ton of amazing new work up at Wheelhouse. Check out: Rachel Zolf, Rob Halpern, Amy King, Andrew Lundwall, Reb Livingston, Jeff Crouch, Matina Stamatakis, Steven Hendricks, Larissa Shmailo, Jac Jemc, Nico Vassilakis, Elisa Gabbert, Kathleen Rooney, Carol Novack, Joe Balaz, Elizabeth Kate Switaj, Stan Apps, Juliet Cook, Ana Bozicevic, Meghan McNealy, S. Jason Fraley, Patrick Carrington, Christina Marie Darling, Joy and Dubblex Leftow, Matthea Marquart, & Emily HolmesMy little baby story is right here.

Rejection 145

Peter Slapnicher

I bought this single so I could learn all the words.  I kid you not. I received a lovely little sheet of paper from The Paris Review today, telling me they are not interested in what I sent them.  I had never submitted to them before and decided it would be fun, kind of like the time I slept on the street outside the Holiday Inn with my friend, Kira, to wait in line to try out for the WB's Popstars Show (kind of like American Idol, but even worse). This was almost as satisfying and hilarious.  It is hard to beat a white 17-year-old singing 30 seconds of "Say My Name" in earnest.

Rejection 143

Peter Slapnicher

Two Steps Forward One Step Back At AWP, on the last day, I was standing at the Fairy Tale Review, when a very kind and pretty lady named Sarah Blackman recognized my name.  She was from Diagram, and said that she remembered my name from my submissions and that I should keep sending work because she liked what I was doing.  I felt fancy and special and immediately sent them work.

Yesterday I got a rejection from them that was not the encouragement rejection letter I've gotten the past few times.  It is just the rejection letter.


Rejection 142

Peter Slapnicher

See ya in 40. Yesterday I received a very kind and seemingly personal note from Michael at First City Review.  He asked how I'd heard about his magazine and then proceeded to apologize for their delay in responding.

He called my work both "great" and "fine" (I read "fine" like the "fine" of "fine dining" rather than the "fine" which is a synonym for "adequate," but maybe I have my head in the clouds). They also invited me to submit again, which is nothing terribly special, but it felt like the sentence inviting me to do so was made with me in mind.

Thanks for making me feel special, Michael.  I am giving up First City Review for Lent, but I will submit again in 42 days (as today is the day before Fat Tuesday).