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Peter Slapnicher
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read a new pair of my stories at the 2nd hand and then visit it often please
Fairy Tale Review has sadly turned down my little fairy tale, "Fair Trade."
Maybe if I'd sold my voice to that octopus lady...
I am saddened to hear that the journal No is on hiatus until further notice. It was such a class act.
In an email notifying me of this unfortunate news, I was also told that this change in status meant they would not be accepting my poetry.
Bon voyage, No. I hope you will return soon!
Here lies the beginning and the end: The story of mine Mr. Matt DiGangi finally took for the spectacular Thieves Jargon has been posted along with the work of several other boy toys and glad girls including: Jason Kerzinski, Chad Forbregd, JP Gritton, Michael Estabrook, Mike Boyle, Andrew Kaye, Rosanne Griffeth, Matthew Mulready and Brad D. Green.
RIP. Long live the Thief.
A little baby story of mine called, "The Effects of Rotation," is up now on Six Sentences, in a new bitty, animated magazine they've made called Six by Six: Six writers write six sentences. Other Sixer writers you'll find in this terrific little electronic tome are:
Georgina Bruce, Meghan Daniels, Emily Kajsa Herrstrom, Jillia Nash, and Martin Reed
Rejection 85 comes to us direct from La Petite Zine, which I was delighted to discover sticks with the French theme in offering not an apology, but la petite desolee. Lovely. Kind of like swearing in a foreign language is never quite as satisfying as swearing in your native tongue, being rejected in French does not hurt nearly as bad as being rejected in English.
Night Train rejected the other four poems I sent them. If you'll recall, for rejection #81, they rejected one of the poems, because I think I might have clicked fiction instead of poetry. Well, they've rejected the rest as poetry, too, so there ya go. I could call this a continuation of rejection #81, but it seems they might have been rejected for different reasons and so I will say that the rejection received today deserves a number all its own.
They also reject each poem individually because you have to submit them that way, so this morning when I woke up, there were four shiny rejections in my inbox instead of just one. It feels a little like receiving four different voicemails all from the same person dumping you for different reasons.
Ok! I get it! Geez.
A sparkly new issue is up at why vandalism? Contributors include:
Fariel Shafee, Obelia Modjeska, Eric Suhem, Joseph Cameron, Katherine Psipsina and David McLean. My story, "The Colleens," is also in the issue.
American Short Fiction sent a rejection with no details or personal touches.