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Repeat of 52nd Rejection

Peter Slapnicher

Perhaps the most interesting rejection happening of the week was a repeat letter sent from Margaret Kaufman at In Posse.  She, much like the members of the in posse of my junior high, felt it necessary to reiterate the fact that I would not be accepted.  Using different words, Ms. Kaufman relayed the same sentiment: my work would not be used.  If this is a stylistic choice trying to align her rejections with the title of her magazine, I think it's evil genius.  If not, poor form indeed.

56th Rejection

Peter Slapnicher

Jonathan Minton of Word For/Word was kind in his rejection of my work today.  He blamed the rejection on it not being in line with the other work he has planned for the upcoming issues.  I think this is an ingenius way to reject a person; it feels like it's more an issue of timing than it is a distaste for my work.  Thanks Jonathan!

Reservation at Hotel St. George

Peter Slapnicher

  the crush

My story "Hush of the Party" has been given a reservation in the Hotel St. George summer issue.  I wish so badly that the Hotel St. George were a real place and if it were I imagine it would look a lot like the hotel in The Shining or the hotel you get led through before boarding the Tower of Terror ride at MGM.  I think it would resemble these in the best possible way.  At least if I don't get to live in a hotel like that, one of my stories will.  Send a postcard!

A Handsome Home

Peter Slapnicher

I'm happy to report another section of my long poem, "My Neighbor is Dead," has found a home, this time in A Handsome Journal, a really gorgeous journal out of Black Ocean Press. I anticipate it lighting the winter day it emerges with its bountiful beauty.


54th Rejection - A Real Dusie

Peter Slapnicher

Attractive online magazine, Dusie, sadly has no space for the poems I sent them, but have invited me, and, I imagine, any of you, to submit reviews or write-ups of local poetry happenings within the next month for their forthcoming issue.  I think I'll have a go.    What say ye?

A Religious 53rd

Peter Slapnicher

Eugene at Harp & Altar said he admired much in my writing, but that they won't be able to use my story at this time. I'm okay with that, Eugene.  You were kind about it and said I can send you work in the future, which I always appreciate (though I would have done it anyway).  Somehow, I don't even mind that you called me Jan.  That is how delicate your touch, Eugene.

BIRD DOG: I love thee.

Peter Slapnicher

A little section of my long-homeless lengthy poem, "My Neighbor is Dead," will appear in BIrd Dog.  I wish I had a picture of Sarah Mangold I could tack to my wall so that I could apply candy-pink lipstick to my lips each night and smooch away her image with the passion of my thanks.  This should be out in January.